Saturday, October 18, 2008

Every Little Thing

Before engaging with the battle, every little thing helps.. so, more food~ EATTTTTTTT to your heart's content!!!!! xD In the midst of nothingness...

ended up here.. in Michelangelo's in Sunway Pyramid

nice ambiance, no good for photography as it is too dim

what's mine is always average..zzz...

should have ordered thiss.. it's DELICIOUSLY DELICIOUS!!!

free cappuccino thanks to Sunway Privilege Card == I don't drink coffee at night so I ordered myself a Ice Blended Passion Fruit & it's very NICE~~~!! (thanks to a waitress who passed by my table for recommending me this and BOOOOO to the waiter for stoning aside waiting to take my order =X)

Okayyy.. not to exaggerate but Michelangelo's has some good F&B.. but the downside is it will burn your wallet! xD Righttt... need to prepare for the finals.. good luck to everyonee!

Currently I'm still loving this song after a long time =) :

3 complains:

garrylin on October 18, 2008 at 2:51 AM said...

Comparative, by price and the value of stuff we get.. honestly, i still think Italianies is better~ Though many claim that Italianies is over-rated~ Hmmmph... i was slightly disappointed with Michelangelo though.. the food, portion, the price and the variety... Anyways, it's my personal view.. just to share it out~ hehehe... Cheers~

Brian Chye Yeong Thean on October 18, 2008 at 10:54 AM said...

urm.. no offense but i think u have a "bigger" stomach than mine so i think you think the portion of the food is not enough.. hahaha.. :X

PS: i heard ppl say Italianies in pyramid not as nice as others..

garrylin on October 24, 2008 at 1:58 PM said...

Well, not to say my stomach is big or not... for the same thing, same price, relatively, their competitors, Italianies and TGIF and Swensens, the portion is much worth it and nicer...

i don't know abt italianies in pyramid.. but for sure TGIF in Pyramid sucks.. not even the recommended or signature dishes! But i've received some good remarks about Tony Roma... Perhaps should try it out one of these days~


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