Monday, January 12, 2009

Kaki Ayams Beware!

Ever wonder what harm does your flip-flops can cause? No no... besides killing cockroaches..~ & have you ever wonder what are the consequences of not wearing anything (kaki ayam/barefoot) to go out too? No no... besides stepping on animal droppings..~ Alright.. read this:

"Specialists say that wearing open-toed footwear can increase the chance of getting lesions as the skin becomes exposed to intense sunlight, a key cause of skin tumours, or melanomas" (Khan, 2008).

It is deadly to wear flip-flops/barefoot out in Malaysia since it's 24/7 summer here..

Look at what my flip-flop done to my foot! You can see the shape that it covers only.. I'm so exposed! Haha.. actually I'm wearing shoes more often than slippers nowadays =D

That is why put on some sunblock before you go out! Hmm.. SPF65.. Got this because of the penguins I think?~ LOL! Actually for normal people, SPF30 is already more than enough =X

Credit goes to Mr Willie for directing to the article website! xD Must be formal a bit so I've include citations below =P

Khan, U. (2008) Flip-flops linked to skin cancer, Retrieved January 12, 2009,

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