Saturday, August 09, 2008

08/08/2008 - Part 1 -

Ahh lazy wanna type xD So I'll crap as little as possible xD Thursday night Friday morning (08/082008).. Slept at around 3am..

Woke up around 5.30am (picture as a proof =P) for mission possible..

headed to designated place at 6am...

setup the weapon...

deploying the weapon (managed to shock & woke up the target)...

during the mission was taken place, the chant was accompanied with a background music...

...and a extras camera for the shoot...

mission completed... time to celebrate - eat!!...

...feel not enough out of it! let's feast more!...

7am already & it should be arriving anytime...

McD is finally here to save the day...

so let's feast!...

[since it's bday boy's bday.. i will not post his embarrassing picture in this part]

To Be Continue...

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