Wednesday, August 27, 2008


It's the 27th already.. I'm done with the hellish International Financial Management assignment.. I just want to thank one person for this.. BEN! THANK YOU! Thanks for sending your sample answer to me as a reference guide (of course I did not plagiarize it DUH ==) Thanks again because of you, I survive this day :D With all the assignments going on I don't even know what's happening... Everything happened in a blink of an eye.. Hmm.. just received these pictures a few days ago.. and today only I only to do something with it xD

Don't expect this on a friend's BBQ party with many kids xD urm.. I suppose this picture will make a guy angry no? =P it taste like expensive money drowning into my stomach mmm...

I wanna thank Alex for inviting us to his BBQ party & that expensive beverage :P Next time tell me the cost of it before I simply whack the stuff into my stomach k? :X

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