Thursday, August 06, 2009


It's August & it is going to be a busy month! It is also the 7th month in Chinese calendar which means.. you know lah~! :P With assignments and presentation, there will be not much of time for updating my blog (as if I'm updating it frequently :X) This post is quite a geeky one so bear with it if you don't understand a single thing I'm saying ;P

So lately I've been posting up bad things about my laptop.. Well, I managed to fix it for the mean time.. Actually it's my own fault for my laptop to malfunction =X I've installed Windows 7 Release Candidate 2 just to try out the new operating system (I'm so attached to it right now) However, Windows 7 was not the problem.. it is the graphic card driver which is causing the Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) (cause I installed a driver for Windows Vista LoL) All those days of experiencing constant BSOD when watching a movie is over! Now I can enjoy the full glory of Windows 7 in my lappie :)

So why I am so attached with Windows 7? First of all, there is a button at the end of the taskbar (as you can see from the picture above) which acts as the Show desktop function.. I find this very convenient as I just need to simply point my mouse at the right end corner of my screen to Show desktop.. This has became a habit of mine! When I'm using the university's computer (Windows XP), I will keep point the cursor to the right end and click it hoping it will Show desktop (this happens all the time -_-")..

In Windows 7, you will get a shiny new Windows Media Player which one of its new function is to Preview a song.. Let's say you forget how a song sounds like.. You just need to click on the Preview button and to listen to it & you can Skip it forward slowly to refresh your memory about that particular song.. Useless at some point but it's better than nothing xD

This is a feature that you gotta love in Windows 7!! It allows you to select a number of pictures you want it as your wallpaper.. Then you set the time (15 minutes interval for example) you want your wallpaper to be switched and viola! Every 15 minutes, Windows 7 will change your wallpaper for you automatically based on the pictures that you selected before.. Pretty neat feature as it is needless to get a third-party software to switch your wallpaper for you

& if you are bored at looking at the wallpaper which is currently displayed in your desktop before the time you set it to change, you can simply right-click and select a new background.. Well.. this switching wallpaper function is definitely appealing to me as I don't like to see the same wallpaper each time I see my laptop (well this can be seen as a lazy person's thing :X)

Well.. I know most probably you do not know what I'm saying at all in this post but I don't care much! I just want you to know that Windows 7 is great (like 7 times better than Vista)! Upgrade to Windows 7 from Windows Vista if you will when it's out cause it eat lesser RAM and does not reduce your HDD's lifespan :) 7 FTW!!! xD

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